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The calm before the storm

Common ground 

I have come to learn that Leticia and I have something in common which is a very huge deal since we barely agree on anything, actually we never agree on anything.

It is weird to know that we both love something that is good for the both of us and actually keeps us both sane, I am a music lover and so is she.

Music has a way of soothing the soul and calming the brain in a way that makes you feel relaxed and happy. 
When my brain goes into that "flight or fight" mode, music is known to be able to reset all of that back to what I like to call "factory settings".

This is why I carry my earphones in my bag everywhere I go, my mom thinks it is for me to shut the world out which is partially true because then I can avoid human contact. But it is for me to be calm and not overthinking at all times. 

Leticia's favorite is "Daddy lessons" by Beyonce, we love it because it's an upbeat tune, hard to ignore and makes you want to tap your foot to it. I have listened to it to study, keep me calm when going to an interview and to focus at work. 

The work part used to be so tricky since my former job was in a call center and my supervisor didn't really support the idea of me listening to music while trying to assist a client on a call.

 Little did she know that this is the only way I didn't lose my  cool when dealing with clients because they can be very rude and condescending at times. I would just ignore her opinions and listen to my music and get the job done.

The selection 

I am the biggest fan of Spotify for 2 reasons: affordability and music selection. This service comes in handy for a music fanatic like myself because I have a subscription of R60 for all the songs in the world! Who wouldn't like that? I know you would too.

But the most amazing thing is how they create playlists for you according to the genre you like or the type of artist you listen to the most. Now I have different songs for my different Leticia moods and I couldn't appreciate them more.

DJ press play

When we are feeling "not good enough" then we listen to "who you are" by Jessie J because honestly it is okay not to be okay and that alone is motivation enough.

Then when we start to lack sense of purpose we hit Beyoncé-I was here and we just sing our hearts out to remember what we live for. Like I said a song for every mood.

Besides breathing music is my everyday go to and each day I discover a new tune or a new artist for a certain mood. I have made a list of my top 5 artists for you and maybe you will relate to them.

This list is my go to and I would like for you to share yours as well so that we can all discover new music and be jolly. 

The List. 

In no particular order :
-Ruth B
-Jessie Reyez
-Jessie J
-Grace Grundy

Check them out and you will understand what I mean about how music eases your mind, keeps you focused and calm at all times. 

Don't forget to share your favorites with us and until next time remember to BREATHE... 


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