Mental health problem do not have a certain look, there are no physical signs that show when you suffer from it. Most of the time before people get used to me, they assume that i am a bubbly and confident person and when they find out that i suffer from anxiety. They say things such as "I never would have thought that you have mental health problems, you look fine to me". How am i supposed to look like? Not only is the statement ignorant but offensive as well. What do you expect from me to carry my fears around on my forehead for your convenience?. We are not looking for pity or special treatment when we disclose our mental issues but we need you to understand that what we are going through may result in a behavior that might come of as offensive and we need you to know it is not intentional. How many times has a friend or a loved one told you to "snap out of it" when you were having a meltdown. If it was that simple we would not need to be told to do ...
Distracted and derailed. Distracted and derailed,feeling the reigns slip through my hands. And I thought you were here to stay,please stay because with you at least I am still sane. Sanity seems so foreign to me but it’s strength I am trying to regain… for so long I thought things with you will never be the same, little did I know this time was all I had and it is all I needed to save from the memories captured and put in a frame. Please i am begging you to stay, remember you are my saving grace and without you my heart is just an empty space. You said you will never leave but I guess that was also staged. Distracted, derailed but most of all I feel betrayed by the one that got away. My anger is always misplaced.